Working in the Develop module

Shortcut Action
V Convert to grayscale
Ctrl U Auto tone
Ctrl Shift U Auto white balance
Ctrl E Edit in Photoshop
Ctrl Shift C/V Copy/paste Develop settings
Ctrl Alt V Paste settings from previous photo
Ctrl Alt Shift Left Copy After settings to Before
Ctrl Alt Shift Right Copy Before settings to After
Ctrl Alt Shift Up Swap Before and After settings
Up/Down Increase/decrease selected slider in small increments
Shift Up/Down Increase/decrease selected slider in larger increments
./, Cycle through Basic panel settings (forward/backward)
(double-click slider name) Reset a slider
Alt (click group name) Reset a group of sliders
Ctrl Shift R Reset all settings
Ctrl Shift S Sync settings
Ctrl Alt S Sync settings bypassing Synchronize Settings dialog box
Ctrl (click Sync button) Toggle Auto Sync
Ctrl Alt Shift A Enable Auto Sync
Ctrl Alt Shift M Match total exposures
W Select White Balance tool (from any module)
R Select the Crop tool (from any module)
A Contrain aspect ratio when Crop tool is selected
Shift A Crop to same aspect ratio as previous crop
Alt (drag) Crop from center of photo
O Cycle Crop grid overlay
Shift O Cycle Crop grid overlay orientation
X Switch crop between portrait and landscape orientation
Ctrl Alt R Reset crop
Shift T Select the Guided Upright tool
Q Select the Sopt Removal tool
Shift T Toggle Brush between Clone and Heal modes when Spot Removal tool is selected
K Select the Adjustment Brush tool (from any module)
M Select the Graduated Filter tool
Shift T Toggle Mask between Edit and Brush modes when the Graduated/Radial Filter is selected
]/[ Increase/decrease brush size
Shift ]/[ Increase/decrease brush feathering
/ Switch between local adjustment brush A and B
Alt (drag) Temporarily switch from brush A or B to Eraser
Shift (drag) Paint a horizontal or vertical line
H Show/hide local adjustment pin
O Show/hide local adjustment mask overlay
Shift O Cycle local adjustment mask overlay colors
Ctrl Alt Shift T Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Tone Curve adjustment
Ctrl Alt Shift H Select Targeted Adjustment tool to applay a Hue adjustment
Ctrl Alt Shift S Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Saturation adjustment
Ctrl Alt Shift L Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Luminance adjustment
Ctrl Alt Shift G Select Targeted Adjustment tool to apply a Grayscale Mix adjustment
Ctrl Alt Shift N Deselect Targeted Adjustment tool
J Show clipping
Ctrl ] Rotate photo right (clockwise)
Ctrl [ Rotate photo left (counterclockwise)
Space/Z Toggle between Loupe and 1:1 Zoom preview
Ctrl +/- Zoom in/out
Ctrl Enter Play impromptu slide show
Y View Before and After left/right
Alt Y View Before and After top/bottom
Shift Y View Before and After in a split screen
\ View Before only
Ctrl N Create a new snapshot
Ctrl Shift N Create a new preset
Ctrl Alt N Create a new preset folder
Ctrl J Open Develop view options