Shortcut Action
Esc Cancel operation
F1 Help
0-9 Change opacity
Tab Toggle UI
T Cycle text tools
Y Transparency tool
I Color picker tool
P Pen tool
[ Decrease brush size
] Increase brush size
A Node tool
F Point transform tool
G Fill tool
H View tool
; Toggle snapping
\ Clip to canvas
Z Zoom tool
X Toggle active selector
C Corner tool
V Move tool
B Vector brush tool
N Pencil tool
M Cycle shape tool
, Cycle split view
. Reset selection box
/ Set fill or stroke to none
Ctrl 1 Zoom to 100%
Ctrl 2 Zoom to 200%
Ctrl 3 Zoom to 400%
Ctrl 4 Zoom to 800%
Ctrl 8 Zoom to actual size
Ctrl 9 Zoom to pixel size
Ctrl 0 Zoom to fit
Ctrl - Zoom out
Ctrl = Zoom in
Ctrl Tab Switch view
Ctrl W Close
Ctrl R Rulers
Ctrl T Character
Ctrl Y Redo
Ctrl O Open
Ctrl P Print
Ctrl [ Back one
Ctrl ] Forward one
Ctrl Enter Convert to curves
Ctrl A Select all
Ctrl S Save
Ctrl G Group
Ctrl J Duplicate
Ctrl L Lock
Ctrl ; Show guides
Ctrl ' Show grid
Ctrl Z Undo
Ctrl X Cut
Ctrl C Copy
Ctrl V Paste
Ctrl N New
Ctrl M Curves
Ctrl , Preferences
Space Hold for view tool