Shortcut Action
Ctrl C Copy a cell or range of cells
Ctrl X Cut a cell or range of cells
Ctrl V Paste a cell (if you select a range of cells, you can paste the same value into multiple cells at once)
Space Expand the active record, use esc to return to the table
Shift Space Expand the active cell, you can then use arrow keys to move to different cells
PgUp Scrolls one screen up
PgDn Scrolls one screen down
Alt PgUp Scrolls one screen left
Alt PgDn Scrolls one screen right
Ctrl (arrows) Jump to the edge of the table
Ctrl Shift (arrows) Jump to the edge of table and select cells
Shift (arrows) Select range of cells, you can also click while holding shift to select cells
Shift Enter Insert a record below the selected cell
Enter Edit the selected cell