Shortcut Action
Alt Insert Generate code, e.g. getters, setters, constructors, new class
Ctrl O Override methods
Ctrl I Implement methods
Ctrl Alt T Surround with if…else, try…catch, etc
Ctrl Y Delete line at caret
Ctrl - Collapse the current code block
Ctrl + Expand the current code block
Ctrl Shift - Collapse all code blocks
Ctrl Shift + Expand all code blocks
Ctrl D Duplicate the current line or selection
Ctrl Space Basic code completion
Ctrl Shift Space Smart code completion, filters the list of methods and variables by expected type
Ctrl Shift Enter Complete statement
Ctrl Q Quick documentation lookup
Ctrl P Show parameters for selected method
Ctrl B Go to declaration, directly
Ctrl Alt B Go to implementations
Ctrl U Go to super-method or super-class
Ctrl Shift I Open quick definition lookup
Alt 1 Toggle project tool window visibility
F11 Toggle bookmark
Ctrl F11 Toggle bookmark with mnemonic
Ctrl / Comment or uncomment with line comment
Ctrl Shift / Comment or uncomment with block comment
Ctrl W Select successively increasing code blocks
Ctrl Shift W Decrease current selection to previous state
Ctrl [ Move to code block start
Ctrl ] Move to code block end
Ctrl Shift [ Select to the code block start
Ctrl Shift ] Select to the code block end
Ctrl Del Delete to the end of a word
Ctrl Backspace Delete to the start of a word
Ctrl Alt O Optimize imports
Alt Enter Project quick fix, show intention actions and quick fixes
Ctrl Alt L Reformat code
Ctrl Alt I Auto-indent lines
Tab Indent lines
Shift Tab Unindent lines
Ctrl Shift J Smart line join
Ctrl Enter Smart line split
Shift Enter Start new line
F2 Next highlighted error
Shift F2 Previous highlighted error