Shortcut Action
Cmd Shift M Open the MiniPlayer
Cmd Shift F Open the Full Screen Player
Cmd Ctrl F Toggle full-screen view
Cmd / Show or hide the status bar
Cmd I Open the info window for the selected song
Cmd N In the info window, see information for the next song
Cmd P In the info window, see information for the previous song
Cmd Shift [ Go to the previous pane in the info window
Cmd Shift ] Go to the next pane in the info window
Cmd J Open the View Options window for the selected source
Cmd T Turn the visualizer on or off
? See more options when a visual effect is showing
Cmd R Refresh Apple Music or the iTunes Store
Cmd 0 Open the Music window
Cmd W Close the Music window
Cmd M Put the Music window in the Dock
Cmd H Hide the Music window
Cmd Opt H Hide all other applications