Shortcut Action
Esc Cancels Blender functions without changes
Space Open the toolbox
Tab Start or quit edit mode
F1 Loads a Blender file, changes the window to a file window
Shift F1 Appends parts from other files, or loads as library data
F2 Writes a Blender file, changes the window to a file window
Shift F2 Exports the scene as a DXF file
Ctrl F2 Exports the scene as a VRML1 file
F3 Writes a picture, if a picture has been rendered, and the file format is as indicated in the display buttons
Ctrl F3 Saves a screen dump of the active window
Ctrl Shift F3 Saves a screen dump of the whole Blender screen
F4 Displays the logic context
F5 Displays the shading context, light, material, or world sub-contexts
F6 Displays the shading context and texture sub-context
F7 Displays the object context
F8 Displays the shading context and world sub-context
F9 Displays the editing context
F10 Displays the scene context
F11 Hides or shows the render window
F12 Starts the rendering from the active camera
Left Go to the previous frame
Shift Left Go to the first frame
Right Go to the next frame
Shift Right Go to the last frame
Up Go forward 10 frames
Down Go back 10 frames
Alt A Change the current Blender window to animation playback mode, the cursor changes to a counter
Alt Shift A Change the current window and all 3D windows to animation playback mode
I Insert key menu, this menu differs from window to window
J Toggle the render buffers
Ctrl O Opens the last saved file
Q Quit Blender
Ctrl Alt T Timer menu, this menu offers access to information about drawing speed
Ctrl U Save user defaults, current project settings are written to the default file that will be loaded every time you start Blender
Ctrl W Write file without opening a file window
Alt W Write videoscape file
Ctrl X Erase everything except the render buffer, the default scene is reloaded
Ctrl Y Redo
Ctrl Z Undo
Ctrl Shift Z Redo