['a', 'b', 'c'] AS list
Literal lists are declared in square brackets.
size($list) AS len, $list[0] AS value
Lists can be passed in as parameters.
range($firstNum, $lastNum, $step) AS list
range() creates a list of numbers (step is optional), other functions returning lists are: labels(), nodes(), relationships().
MATCH p = (a)-[:KNOWS\*]->()
RETURN relationships(p) AS r
The list of relationships comprising a variable length path can be returned using named paths and relationships().
RETURN matchedNode.list[0] AS value,
size(matchedNode.list) AS len
Properties can be lists of strings, numbers or booleans.
list[$idx] AS value,
list[$startIdx..$endIdx] AS slice
List elements can be accessed with idx subscripts in square brackets. Invalid indexes return null. Slices can be retrieved with intervals from start_idx to end_idx, each of which can be omitted or negative. Out of range elements are ignored.
UNWIND $names AS name
MATCH (n {name: name})
RETURN avg(n.age)
With UNWIND, any list can be transformed back into individual rows. The example matches all names from a list of names.
RETURN [(a)-->(b) WHERE b.name = 'Bob' | b.age]
Pattern comprehensions may be used to do a custom projection from a match directly into a list.
MATCH (person)
RETURN person { .name, .age}
Map projections may be easily constructed from nodes, relationships and other map values.