Node with Person label.
Node with both Person and Swedish labels.
(n:Person {name: $value})
Node with the declared properties.
()-[r {name: $value}]-()
Matches relationships with the declared properties.
Relationship from n to m.
Relationship in any direction between n and m.
Node n labeled Person with relationship to m.
Relationship of type KNOWS from n to m.
Relationship of type KNOWS or of type LOVES from n to m.
Bind the relationship to variable r.
Variable length path of between 1 and 5 relationships from n to m.
Variable length path of any number of relationships from n to m. (See Performance section.)
(n)-[:KNOWS]->(m {property: $value})
A relationship of type KNOWS from a node n to a node m with the declared property.
Find a single shortest path.
Find all shortest paths.
Count the paths matching the pattern.