n.property <> $value

Use comparison operators.

toString(n.property) = $value

Use functions.

n.number >= 1 AND n.number <= 10

Use boolean operators to combine predicates.

1 <= n.number <= 10

Use chained operators to combine predicates.


Check for node labels.

variable IS NOT NULL

Check if something is not null, e.g. that a property exists.

n.property IS NULL OR n.property = $value

Either the property does not exist or the predicate is true.

n.property = $value

Non-existing property returns null, which is not equal to anything.

n["property"] = $value

Properties may also be accessed using a dynamically computed property name.

n.property STARTS WITH 'Tim' OR
n.property ENDS WITH 'n' OR
n.property CONTAINS 'goodie'

String matching.

n.property =~ 'Tim.\*'

String regular expression matching.


Ensure the pattern has at least one match.

NOT (n)-[:KNOWS]->(m)

Exclude matches to (n)-[:KNOWS]->(m) from the result.

n.property IN [$value1, $value2]

Check if an element exists in a list.
