Temporal functions


Returns a date parsed from a string.


Returns a time with no time zone.


Returns a time in a specified time zone.


Returns a datetime with no time zone.


Returns a datetime in the specified time zone.

datetime({epochMillis: 3360000})

Transforms 3360000 as a UNIX Epoch time into a normal datetime.

date({year: $year, month: $month, day: $day})

All of the temporal functions can also be called with a map of named components. This example returns a date from year, month and day components. Each function supports a different set of possible components.

datetime({date: $date, time: $time})

Temporal types can be created by combining other types. This example creates a datetime from a date and a time.

date({date: $datetime, day: 5})

Temporal types can be created by selecting from more complex types, as well as overriding individual components. This example creates a date by selecting from a datetime, as well as overriding the day component.

WITH date("2018-04-05") AS d
RETURN d.year, d.month, d.day, d.week, d.dayOfWeek

Accessors allow extracting components of temporal types.
