Meta Sequences

Pattern Description
. Any single character
\s Any whitespace character
\S Any non-whitespace character
\d Any digit, Same as [0-9]
\D Any non-digit, Same as [^0-9]
\w Any word character
\W Any non-word character
\X Any Unicode sequences, linebreaks included
\C Match one data unit
\R Unicode newlines
\v Vertical whitespace character
\V Negation of \v - anything except newlines and vertical tabs
\h Horizontal whitespace character
\H Negation of \h
\K Reset match
\n Match nth subpattern
\pX Unicode property X
\p{...} Unicode property or script category
\PX Negation of \pX
\P{...} Negation of \p
\Q...\E Quote; treat as literals
\k<name> Match subpattern name
\k'name' Match subpattern name
\k{name} Match subpattern name
\gn Match nth subpattern
\g{n} Match nth subpattern
\g<n> Recurse nth capture group
\g'n' Recurses nth capture group.
\g{-n} Match nth relative previous subpattern
\g<+n> Recurse nth relative upcoming subpattern
\g'+n' Match nth relative upcoming subpattern
\g'letter' Recurse named capture group letter
\g{letter} Match previously-named capture group letter
\g<letter> Recurses named capture group letter
\xYY Hex character YY
\x{YYYY} Hex character YYYY
\ddd Octal character ddd
\cY Control character Y
[\b] Backspace character
\ Makes any character literal