// Single Placeholder
println!("{}", 1);
// Multiple Placeholder
println!("{} {}", 1, 3);
// Positional Arguments
println!("{0} is {1} {2}, also {0} is a {3} programming language", "Rust", "cool", "language", "safe");
// Named Arguments
println!("{country} is a diverse nation with unity.", country = "India");
// Placeholder traits :b for binary, :0x is for hex and :o is octal
println!("Let us print 76 is binary which is {:b} , and hex equivalent is {:0x} and octal equivalent is {:o}", 76, 76, 76);
// Debug Trait
println!("Print whatever we want to here using debug trait {:?}", (76, 'A', 90));
// New Format Strings in 1.58
let x = "world";
println!("Hello {x}!");