Shortcut Action
Shift Z Un-Zoom
W Toggle wallpaper mode
Alt Shift M Display OSD menu on top
Alt Ctrl M Do not display OSD menu
Alt Shift Right Highlight widget on the right
Alt Shift Left Highlight widget on the left
Alt Shift Up Highlight widget on top
Alt Shift Down Highlight widget on bottom
Alt Shift Enter Select current widget
Alt R Crop one pixel from the top
Alt Shift R Uncrop one pixel from the top
Alt D Crop one pixel from the left
Alt Shift D Uncrop one pixel from the left
Alt C Crop one pixel from the bottom
Alt Shift C Uncrop one pixel from the bottom
Alt F Crop one pixel from the right
Alt Shift F Uncrop one pixel from the right
R Random
L Normal/Repeat/Loop
Ctrl 1 1:4 Quarter
Ctrl 2 1:2 Half
Ctrl 3 1:1 Original
Ctrl 4 2:1 Double
3 Very short jump length (integer)
Ctrl F1-F10 Set playlist bookmark 1-10
F1-F10 Play playlist bookmark 1-10