{{ property }}
Render dynamic text based on the value of property
Template ref: a reference to an element in the template
element will be exposed there
Note: only accessible after the component is mounted
<childComp/> or <childComp>slot content</childComp>
Render child component
<childComp :childProp="dataProp"/>
Parent can pass the prop to the child just like attributes. To pass a dynamic value, we can also use the v-bind syntax
<childComp @eventName=(arg) => parentProp = arg"/>
Parent can listen to child-emitted events using v-on
In child template: <slot/> or <slot> fallback content </slot>
Parent can pass down template fragments to the child
<slot name='name'></slot>
In parent: <template v-slot:name> content </template>
Specify a name to the slot.
By default, the name is 'default'