Getting Started


// Importing core libraries
import 'dart:math';
// Importing libraries from external packages
import 'package:test/test.dart';
// Importing files
import 'path/to/my\_other\_file.dart';


// This is a normal, one-line comment.
/// This is a documentation comment, used to document libraries,
/// classes, and their members. Tools like IDEs and dartdoc treat
/// doc comments specially.
/\* Comments like these are also supported. \*/

String interpolation

// can use single or double qoutes for String type
var firstName = 'Nicola';
var lastName = "Tesla";
//can embed variables in string with $
String fullName = "$firstName $lastName";
// concatenate with +
var name = "Albert " + "Einstein";
String upperCase = '${firstName.toUpperCase()}';
print(upperCase); //Print: NICOLA


int age = 20; // integers, range -2^63 to 2^63 - 1
double height = 1.85; // floating-point numbers
// You can also declare a variable as a num
num x = 1;  // x can have both int and double values
num += 2.5;
print(num); //Print: 3.5
String name = "Nicola";
bool isFavourite = true;
bool isLoaded = false;


int x = 2; // explicitly typed
var p = 5; // type inferred - Generic var with type inference
dynamic z = 8; // variable can take on any type
z = "cool"; // cool
// if you never intend to change a variable use final or const. Something like this:
final email = "[[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)"; // Same as var but cannot be reassigned
final String email = "[[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)"; // you can't change the value
const qty = 5; // Compile-time constant


// top-level function where app execution starts
void main(){
    print("Hello World!"); // Print to console

Every app has a main() function
