Shortcut Action
Shift cmd X Open or close the 1Password popup in Chrome, Edge, Brave, or Safari.
cmd . Open or close the 1Password pop-up in Firefox.
cmd F Search for items.
Esc Clear the search field.
cmd D Show the list of vaults.
cmd Down Arrow Open or close the category menu.
Down Arrow Select the next category, item, or field.
Up Arrow Select the previous category, item, or field.
Right Arrow Select the item details.
Left Arrow Select the item list.
Space Expand item overview banners.
Return Copy the selected detail.Perform the default action for the selected.
cmd C Copy the username of the selected.
Shift cmd C Copy the password of the selected.
Control Shift cmd C Copy the one-time password of the selected.
cmd Return Open the website for the selected login in a new tab and fill your username and password.
cmd O Open the selected in a separate window.
cmd I Create a new item.
cmd E Edit the selected.
Control Option Temporarily reveal all secure fields in the selected.
cmd G Show the password generator.
cmd C Copy a password from the password generator.
Shift cmd L Lock 1Password.
Esc Close the 1Password popup.