1Password Keyboard Shortcuts for iOS

1Password app (III)

Shortcut Action
cmd S Save changes to an item.
cmd . Cancel an edit.
cmd D Add the selected to your favorites.
Delete Move the selected(s) to the Archive.
cmd Delete Delete the selected(s).
Shift cmd D Collapse or expand the sidebar.
Shift cmd L Lock 1Password.

1Password app (II)

Shortcut Action
Up Arrow Focus previous item.
Space Activate focused item.
cmd C Copy the username or primary field of the selected.
Shift cmd C Copy the password of the selected.
Option cmd C Copy the one-time password of the selected.
cmd O Open the selected in a separate window.
cmd E Edit the selected.

1Password app (I)

Shortcut Action
cmd , Open settings.
cmd F Search for items.
cmd . Clear the search field.
cmd 1 Switch to All Accounts.
cmd 2...9 Switch accounts and collections.
cmd [ Go back.
cmd ] Go forward.
Down Arrow Focus next item.