Awk Functions

User defined function

awk '
    # Returns minimum number
    function find\_min(num1, num2){
       if (num1 < num2)
       return num1
       return num2
    # Returns maximum number
    function find\_max(num1, num2){
       if (num1 > num2)
       return num1
       return num2
    # Main function
    function main(num1, num2){
       result = find\_min(num1, num2)
       print "Minimum =", result

       result = find\_max(num1, num2)
       print "Maximum =", result
    # Script execution starts here
    BEGIN {
       main(10, 60)

Common functions

Function Description
index(s,t) Position in string s where string t occurs, 0 if not found
length(s) Length of string s (or $0 if no arg)
rand Random number between 0 and 1
substr(s,index,len) Return len-char substring of s that begins at index (counted from 1)
srand Set seed for rand and return previous seed
int(x) Truncate x to integer value
split(s,a,fs) Split string s into array a split by fs, returning length of a
match(s,r) Position in string s where regex r occurs, or 0 if not found
sub(r,t,s) Substitute t for first occurrence of regex r in string s (or $0 if s not given)
gsub(r,t,s) Substitute t for all occurrences of regex r in string s
system(cmd) Execute cmd and return exit status
tolower(s) String s to lowercase
toupper(s) String s to uppercase
getline Set $0 to next input record from current input file.