
Logical operators

// !expr inverts the expression (changes false to true, and vice versa)
// || logical OR
// && logical AND
bool isOutOfStock = false;
int quantity = 3;
if (!isOutOfStock && (quantity == 2 || quantity == 3)) {
  // ...Order the product...

Equality and relational operators

print(2 == 2);  //Print: true - Equal
print(2 != 3); //Print: true - Not Equal
print(3 > 2); //Print: true - Grater than
print(2 < 3); //Print: true - Less than
print(3 >= 3); //Print: true - Greater than or equal to
print(2 <= 3); //Print: true - Less than or equal to

Arithmatic Operators

print(2 + 3); //Print: 5
print(2 - 3); //Print: -1
print(2 * 3); //Print: 6
print(5 / 2);  //Print: 2.5 - Result is a double
print(5 ~/ 2); //Print: 2 - Result is an int
print(5 % 2); //Print: 1 - Remainder
int a = 1, b;
// Increment
b = ++a; // preIncrement - Increment a before b gets its value.
b = a++; // postIncrement - Increment a AFTER b gets its value.
b = --a; // predecrement - Decrement a before b gets its value.
b = a--; // postdecrement - Decrement a AFTER b gets its value.