Viewing and finding resources

Multiple resources

kubectl get svc, po
kubectl get deploy, no
kubectl get all
kubectl get all --all-namespaces

storage class

Resource name: storageclasses, Abbreviation: sc

kubectl get sc
kubectl get sc -o yaml

Persistent volume declaration

Resource name: persistentvolumeclaims, abbreviation: pvc

kubectl get pvc
kubectl describe pvc

Persistent Volumes

Resource name: persistentvolumes, abbreviation: pv

kubectl get pv
kubectl describe pv


Resource name: ingresses, abbreviation: ing

kubectl get ing
kubectl get ing --all-namespaces

Config maps

Resource name: configmaps, abbreviation: cm

kubectl get cm
kubectl get cm --all-namespaces
kubectl get cm --all-namespaces -o yaml


kubectl get secrets
kubectl get secrets --all-namespaces
kubectl get secrets -o yaml


kubectl get roles --all-namespaces
kubectl get roles --all-namespaces -o yaml

Replica Sets

kubectl get rs
kubectl describe rs
kubectl get rs -o wide
kubectl get rs -o yaml

Resource name: replicasets, abbreviation: rs

Service Accounts

kubectl get sa
kubectl get sa -o yaml
kubectl get serviceaccounts default -o yaml >./sa.yaml
kubectl replace serviceaccount default -f ./sa.yaml

Resource name: serviceaccounts, abbreviation: ev


kubectl logs [pod_name]
kubectl logs --since=1h [pod_name]
kubectl logs --tail=20 [pod_name]
kubectl logs -f -c [container_name] [pod_name]
kubectl logs [pod_name] > pod.log


kubectl get events
kubectl get events -n kube-system
kubectl get events -w

Resource name: events, abbreviation: ev

Daemon Sets

kubectl get ds
kubectl describe ds --all-namespaces
kubectl describe ds [daemonset_name] -n [namespace_name]
kubectl get ds [ds_name] -n [ns_name] -o yaml

Resource name: daemonsets, abbreviation: ds


kubectl get svc
kubectl describe svc
kubectl get svc -o wide
kubectl get svc -o yaml
kubectl get svc --show-labels

Resource name: services, abbreviation: svc


kubectl get deploy
kubectl describe deploy
kubectl get deploy -o wide
kubectl get deploy -o yaml

Resource name: deployments, abbreviation: deploy


kubectl get ns
kubectl get ns -o yaml
kubectl describe ns

Resource name: namespaces, abbreviation: ns


kubectl get po # Display all container group information
kubectl get po -o wide
kubectl describe po
kubectl get po --show-labels # View the labels of the container group
kubectl get po -l app=nginx
kubectl get po -o yaml
kubectl get pod [pod_name] -o yaml --export
kubectl get pod [pod_name] -o yaml --export > nameoffile.yaml
# Export container group information to yaml file in yaml format
kubectl get pods --field-selector status.phase=Running
# Use the field selector to filter out container group information

Resource name: pods, abbreviation: po


kubectl get no # Display all node information
kubectl get no -o wide # Show more information about all nodes
kubectl describe no # Display node details
kubectl get no -o yaml # Display node details in yaml format
kubectl get node --selector=[label_name] # Filter the node with the specified label
kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[\*].status.addresses[?(@.type="ExternalIP")].address}'
# Output the field information defined by the jsonpath expression
kubectl top node [node_name] # Display node (CPU/memory/storage) usage

Resource name: nodes, abbreviation: no
