FITS file -ASCII table and binary table
- | - |
createTbl | Create a new ASCII or binary table extension |
insertCol | Insert a column into a table |
insertRows | Insert rows into the table |
insertATbl | Insert an ASCII table after the current HDU |
insertBTbl | Insert a binary table behind the current HDU |
deleteCol | Delete a column from a table |
deleteRows | Delete rows from the table |
getAColParms | ASCII table information |
getBColParms | binary table information |
getColName | table column name |
getColType | Data type, repeat value, width of scaled column |
getEqColType | column data type, repeated value, width |
getNumCols | The number of columns in the table |
getNumRows | the number of rows in the table |
readATblHdr | Read the header information from the current ASCII table |
readBTblHdr | Read the header information from the current binary table |
readCol | Reads rows of ASCII or binary table columns |
setTscale | reset image scaling |
writeCol | Write elements to an ASCII or binary table column |