- | - |
thingSpeakRead | Read data stored in ThingSpeak channel |
thingSpeakWrite | write data to ThingSpeak channel |
Data import and export
Internet of Things (IoT) Data
FTP file operations
- | - |
ftp | Connect to an FTP server to access its files |
sftp | Connection to SFTP server to access its files |
ascii | Set FTP transfer mode to ASCII |
binary | Set FTP transfer mode to binary |
cd | Change or view the current folder on an SFTP or FTP server |
close | Close the connection to the SFTP or FTP server |
delete | Delete files on SFTP or FTP server |
dir | List folder contents on SFTP or FTP server |
mget | Download files from SFTP or FTP server |
mkdir | Create a new folder on an SFTP or FTP server |
mput | Upload files or folders to SFTP or FTP server |
rename | Rename a file on an SFTP or FTP server |
rmdir | Delete a folder on an SFTP or FTP server |
Bluetooth Low Energy Communication
- | - |
blelist | Scan for nearby low energy Bluetooth peripherals |
ble | Connect to low energy Bluetooth peripherals |
characteristic | Access to characteristics of Bluetooth low energy peripherals |
descriptor | Access descriptors on Bluetooth low energy peripherals |
read | Read characteristic or descriptor data on a Bluetooth low energy peripheral device |
write | Write data to a characteristic or descriptor of a Bluetooth low energy peripheral device |
subscribe | Subscribe to characteristic notifications or instructions |
unsubscribe | Unsubscribe characteristic notifications and instructions |
Bluetooth communication -connection and configuration
- | - |
bluetoothlist | Scan for nearby Bluetooth classic devices |
bluetooth | Connect to Bluetooth classic device |
configureTerminator | Set terminator for ASCII string communication with Bluetooth device |
configureCallback | Set callback function and trigger condition for communication with Bluetooth device |
TCP/IP communication -connection and configuration
- | - |
tcpclient | Create a TCP/IP client connection to a TCP/IP server |
echotcpip | Start or stop the TCP/IP echo server |
configureTerminator | Set terminator for ASCII string communication with remote host via TCP/IP |
configureCallback | Set callback function and trigger condition for communication with remote host via TCP/IP |
Serial and USB communication -control pins and memory
- | - |
flush | Clear the serial port device buffer |
getpinstatus | Get the serial port status |
setRTS | Set the serial port RTS pin |
setDTR | Set the serial DTR pin |
Serial and USB Communication -Connection and Configuration
- | - |
serialportlist | List of serial ports connected to your system |
serialport | Connect to a serial port |
configureTerminator | Set the terminator for ASCII string communication with the serial port |
configureCallback | Set callback function and trigger conditions for communication with serial port devices |
Low-level file I/O
- | - |
fclose | close one or all open files |
feof | Detect the end of the file |
ferror | File I/O error message |
fgetl | Read lines in a file and remove line breaks |
fgets | Read lines in a file and keep newlines |
fileread | Read file content in text format |
fopen | Open a file or get information about opening a file |
fprintf | Write data to a text file |
fread | Read data in binary files |
frewind | Move the file position indicator to the beginning of the opened file |
fscanf | Read the data in the text file |
fseek | Move to the specified position in the file |
ftell | current location |
fwrite | Write data to a binary file |
Workspace variables and MAT-file
- | - |
load | Load file variables into the workspace |
save | Save workspace variables to a file |
matfile | Access and change variables in a MAT-file without loading the file into memory |
disp | Display the value of the variable |
formattedDisplayText | Capture display output as a string |
who | List variables in the workspace |
whos | List variables in the workspace with their size and type |
clear | Delete items from the workspace and release system memory |
clearvars | Clear variables in memory |
openvar | Open a workspace variable in the variable editor or other graphical editing tools |
Workspace Browser | Open the Workspace Browser to manage the workspace |
JSON format
- | - |
jsondecode | Decode text in JSON format |
jsonencode | Create JSON-formatted text {.style-list} from structured MATLAB data |
XPath query
- | - |
matlab.io.xml.xpath.CompiledExpression | Compiled XPath expression |
matlab.io.xml.xpath.EvalResultType | The result type of XPath expression calculation |
matlab.io.xml.xpath.Evaluator | XPath expression evaluator |
matlab.io.xml.xpath.PrefixResolver | For namespace prefix resolver Abstract base class for |
XML Transformation
- | - |
matlab.io.xml.transform.CompiledStylesheet | Compiled stylesheet |
matlab.io.xml.transform.ResultDocument | Store the transformation result as a document |
matlab.io.xml.transform.ResultString | Store the transformation result as a string |
matlab.io.xml.transform.ResultFile | Store the transformation result as a file |
matlab.io.xml.transform.SourceDocument | XML source document for transformation |
matlab.io.xml.transform.SourceFile | XML source file for transformation |
matlab.io.xml.transform.SourceString | XML source string for transformation string |
matlab.io.xml.transform.StylesheetSourceDocument | Stylesheet source for transformation document |
matlab.io.xml.transform.StylesheetSourceFile | Stylesheet source for transformation document |
matlab.io.xml.transform.StylesheetSourceString | XSL source string for transformation string |
matlab.io.xml.transform.Tracer | Trace execution of stylesheet |
- | - |
matlab.io.xml.dom.Attr | Attributes of XML elements |
matlab.io.xml.dom.CDATASection | CDATA section |
matlab.io.xml.dom.Comment | Comments in XML documents |
matlab.io.xml.dom.Document | XML document |
matlab.io.xml.dom.DocumentFragment | document node group |
matlab.io.xml.dom.DocumentType | document type |
matlab.io.xml.dom.Element | element of XML document |
matlab.io.xml.dom.Entity | Entity defined by document type |
matlab.io.xml.dom.NamedNodeMap | A set of document nodes with names |
matlab.io.xml.dom.NodeList | document node list |
matlab.io.xml.dom.Notation | Notation in document type definition |
matlab.io.xml.dom.ProcessingInstruction | XML processing instruction |
matlab.io.xml.dom.Text | Text in an XML document |
matlab.io.xml.dom.TypeInfo | schema type information |
Reading and writing XML documents
- | - |
matlab.io.xml.dom.DOMWriter | Write serialized XML documents Injector |
matlab.io.xml.dom.EntityResolver | Abstract base class of entity resolver |
matlab.io.xml.dom.FileWriter | Writer for creating text files |
matlab.io.xml.dom.Locator | The location of the element in the XML file |
matlab.io.xml.dom.Parser | XML markup parser |
matlab.io.xml.dom.ParserConfiguration | XML parser options |
matlab.io.xml.dom.ParseError | Specified XML tag parsing error |
matlab.io.xml.dom.ParseErrorHandler | Abstract base class for parse error handlers |
matlab.io.xml.dom.ParseErrorLocator | Specifies location of parse error |
matlab.io.xml.dom.ParseErrorSeverity | Indicates the severity of XML tag parsing errors enum class |
matlab.io.xml.dom.ResourceIdentifier | XML resource identifier |
matlab.io.xml.dom.ResourceIdentifierType | XML resource identifier type |
matlab.io.xml.dom.WriterConfiguration | XML DOM Writer Options |
Play sound
- | - |
audiodevinfo | Information about audio devices |
audiodevreset | Refresh the list of available audio devices |
sound | Convert signal data matrix to sound |
soundsc | Scale data and play it as sound |
beep | generate operating system beep |
Record audio
- | - |
audiorecorder | object for recording audio |
getaudiodata | Store the recorded audio signal in a numeric array |
getplayer | Create an associated audioplayer object |
isrecording | Determine if recording is in progress |
record | Record audio into audiorecorder object |
recordblocking | Record audio into an audiorecorder object, keep control until recording is complete |
Play audio
- | - |
audioplayer | Object for playing audio |
isplaying | Determine whether playback is in progress |
pause | Pause playback or recording |
play | Play audio from audioplayer object |
playblocking | Play audio in audioplayer object, keep control until playback is complete |
resume | Resume playback or recording from the paused state |
stop | Stop playing or recording |
Read or write audio
- | - |
audioread | Read audio files |
audiowrite | Write audio files |
lin2mu | Convert linear audio signal to mu-law |
mu2lin | Convert mu-law audio signal to linear format |
audioinfo | Information about audio files |
Write video data
- | - |
VideoWriter | Create an object to write a video file |
open | Open a file to write video data |
writeVideo | Write video data to a file |
close | close the file after writing video data |
getProfiles | Description files and file formats supported by VideoWriter |
Read video data
- | - |
VideoReader | Create an object to read a video file |
read | Read one or more video frames |
readFrame | Read the next video frame |
hasFrame | Determine whether there are video frames available for reading |
getFileFormats | File formats supported by VideoReader |
mmfileinfo | Information about multimedia files |
Common Data Format (CDF)
- | - |
cdfinfo | Information on Common Data Format (CDF) files |
cdfread | Read data in Common Data Format (CDF) files |
cdfepoch | Converts a date literal or date sequence value to a date in CDF format |
todatenum | Convert CDF epoch objects to MATLAB date serial values |
- | - |
cdflib | Direct interaction with CDF library |
Stripe interleaved file
- | - |
multibandread | Read a striped interleaved file from a binary file |
multibandwrite | Write strip interleaved data to a file |
FITS files -Utilities
- | - |
getConstantValue | specify the constant value |
getVersion | The revision number of the CFITSIO library |
getOpenFiles | list of opened FITS files |
FITS file -ASCII table and binary table
- | - |
createTbl | Create a new ASCII or binary table extension |
insertCol | Insert a column into a table |
insertRows | Insert rows into the table |
insertATbl | Insert an ASCII table after the current HDU |
insertBTbl | Insert a binary table behind the current HDU |
deleteCol | Delete a column from a table |
deleteRows | Delete rows from the table |
getAColParms | ASCII table information |
getBColParms | binary table information |
getColName | table column name |
getColType | Data type, repeat value, width of scaled column |
getEqColType | column data type, repeated value, width |
getNumCols | The number of columns in the table |
getNumRows | the number of rows in the table |
readATblHdr | Read the header information from the current ASCII table |
readBTblHdr | Read the header information from the current binary table |
readCol | Reads rows of ASCII or binary table columns |
setTscale | reset image scaling |
writeCol | Write elements to an ASCII or binary table column |
FITS files -image compression
- | - |
imgCompress | Compress HDU from one file to another |
isCompressedImg | Determine whether the current image is compressed |
setCompressionType | Set image compression type |
setHCompScale | Set the scaling parameters of the HCOMPRESS algorithm |
setHCompSmooth | Sets smoothing for images compressed with HCOMPRESS |
setTileDim | Set tile dimensions |
FITS files -Header Data Unit (HDU) access
- | - |
copyHDU | Copy current HDU from one file to another |
getHDUnum | The number of the current HDU in the FITS file |
getHDUtype | current HDU type |
getNumHDUs | Total number of HDUs in FITS file |
movAbsHDU | Move to Absolute HDU Numbering |
movNamHDU | Move to the first HDU containing a specific type and keyword value |
movRelHDU | Move relative amount of HDU from current HDU |
writeChecksum | Calculate and write the checksum of the current HDU |
deleteHDU | Delete the current HDU in the FITS file |
FITS file -keyword
- | - |
readCard | Header record of keywords |
readKey | Keyword |
readKeyCmplx | A keyword in the form of a complex scalar value |
readKeyDbl | Keyword in the form of double precision value |
readKeyLongLong | Keyword in the form of int64 |
readKeyLongStr | long string value |
readKeyUnit | The physical unit string in the key |
readRecord | Header record specified by number |
writeComment | Write or append COMMENT keyword to CHU |
writeDate | Write DATE keyword to CHU |
writeKey | Update or add new keywords to the current HDU |
writeKeyUnit | write physical unit string |
writeHistory | Write or append HISTORY keyword to CHU |
deleteKey | Delete key by name |
deleteRecord | Delete keywords by record number |
getHdrSpace | The number of keywords in the header |
FITS files -image processing
- | - |
createImg | Create FITS image |
getImgSize | image size |
getImgType | The data type of the image |
insertImg | Insert a FITS image after the current image |
readImg | read image data |
setBscale | Reset image scaling |
writeImg | write FITS image |
FITS files -file access
- | - |
createFile | Create FITS file |
openFile | Open FITS file |
openDiskFile | Open FITS file |
closeFile | Close FITS file |
deleteFile | Delete FITS file |
fileName | The name of the FITS file |
fileMode | I/O mode for FITS files |
Low-level functions -package
- | - |
matlab.io.hdf4.sd | Interact directly with the HDF4 multi-file scientific dataset (SD) interface |
matlab.io.hdfeos.gd | Low-level access to HDF-EOS grid data |
matlab.io.hdfeos.sw | Low-level access to HDF-EOS segmented files |
#Low Level Functions -Functions
- | - |
hdfan | The entry of HDF multi-file annotation (AN) interface |
hdfhx | The entry of HDF external data (HX) interface |
hdfh | The entry of HDF H interface |
hdfhd | The entry of HDF HD interface |
hdfhe | The entry of HDF HE interface |
hdfml | Utilities for use with MATLAB HDF entry functions |
hdfpt | Interface of HDF-EOS point object |
hdfv | The entry of HDF Vgroup (V) interface |
hdfvf | The entry of VF function in HDF Vdata interface |
hdfvh | The entry of VH function in HDF Vdata interface |
hdfvs | The entry of VS function in HDF Vdata interface |
hdfdf24 | HDF 24-bit raster image (DF24) interface entry |
hdfdfr8 | HDF 8-bit raster image (DFR8) interface entry |
HDF5 library package
- | - |
Library (H5) | General-purpose functions for use with entire HDF5 library |
Attribute (H5A) | Metadata associated with datasets or groups |
Dataset (H5D) | Multidimensional arrays of data elements and supporting metadata |
Dimension Scale (H5DS) | Dimension scale associated with dataset dimensions |
Error (H5E) | Error handling |
File (H5F) | HDF5 file access |
Group (H5G) | Organization of objects in file |
Identifier (H5I) | HDF5 object identifiers |
Link (H5L) | Links in HDF5 file |
MATLAB (H5ML) | MATLAB utility functions not part of the HDF5 C library |
Object (H5O) | Objects in file |
Property (H5P) | Object property lists |
Reference (H5R) | HDF5 references |
Dataspace (H5S) | Dimensionality of dataset |
Datatype (H5T) | Datatype of elements in a dataset |
NetCDF library package -Utilities
- | - |
netcdf.getConstant | returns the value of the named constant |
netcdf.getConstantNames | returns a list of constants known to the netCDF library |
NetCDF library package -user-defined types
:- | :- |
netcdf.defVlen | Define user-defined variable length array type (NC_VLEN) |
netcdf.inqUserType | Return information about user-defined type |
netcdf.inqVlen | Return information about user-defined NC_VLEN type |
NetCDF library package -properties
- | - | - |
netcdf.copyAtt | Copy an attribute to a new location | |
netcdf.delAtt | Remove netCDF attribute | |
netcdf.getAtt | Returns the NetCDF attribute | |
netcdf.inqAtt | Returns information about netCDF attributes | |
netcdf.inqAttID | Returns the ID of a netCDF attribute | |
netcdf.inqAttName | Returns the netCDF attribute name | |
netcdf.putAtt | Write netCDF attributes | |
netcdf.renameAtt | Change Attribute Name |
NetCDF library package -variable
- | - |
netcdf.defVarFill | Defines the fill parameter for a NetCDF variable |
netcdf.defVar | Create a NetCDF variable |
netcdf.defVarChunking | Defines chunking behavior for NetCDF variables |
netcdf.defVarDeflate | Defines compression parameters for NetCDF variables |
netcdf.defVarFletcher32 | Defines validation parameters for NetCDF variables |
netcdf.getVar | Read data in a NetCDF variable |
netcdf.inqVar | Information about variables |
netcdf.inqVarChunking | Determines chunking settings for NetCDF variables |
netcdf.inqVarDeflate | Determines compression settings for NetCDF variables |
netcdf.inqVarFill | Determines the fill parameter value for a NetCDF variable |
netcdf.inqVarFletcher32 | About Fletcher32 checksum settings for NetCDF variables |
netcdf.inqVarID | Returns the ID associated with the variable name |
netcdf.putVar | Writes data to a netCDF variable |
netcdf.renameVar | Change netCDF variable name |
NetCDF library package -group
- | - | - |
netcdf.defGrp | Create groups in a NetCDF file | |
netcdf.inqDimIDs | Retrieves a list of dimension identifiers in a group | |
netcdf.inqGrpName | Retrieve group name | |
netcdf.inqGrpNameFull | the full pathname of the group | |
netcdf.inqGrpParent | Retrieves the ID of the parent group. | |
netcdf.inqNcid | Returns the ID of a named group | |
netcdf.inqVarIDs | IDs of all variables in the group |
NetCDF Library Package -Dimensions
- | - | - |
netcdf.defdim | Create netCDF dimensions | |
netcdf.inqDim | Returns netCDF dimension names and lengths | |
netcdf.inqDimID | Returns the dimension ID | |
netcdf.renameDim | Change netCDF dimension names |
NetCDF library package -file operations
- | - |
netcdf.abort | restores the most recent netCDF file definition |
netcdf.close | Closes a netCDF file |
netcdf.create | Create a new NetCDF dataset |
netcdf.endDef | End netCDF file definition mode |
netcdf.inq | returns information about a netCDF file |
netcdf.inqFormat | Determines the format of a NetCDF file |
netcdf.inqGrps | Retrieves an array of subgroup IDs |
netcdf.inqUnlimDims | Retrieves a list of infinite dimensions in a group |
netcdf.open | Open NetCDF data source |
netcdf.reDef | puts an open netCDF file into definition mode |
netcdf.setFill | Set netCDF fill mode |
netcdf.sync | Synchronize netCDF files to disk |
NetCDF library package -library functions
- | - |
netcdf.getChunkCache | Retrieves the chunk cache settings for the NetCDF library |
netcdf.inqLibVers | Returns NetCDF library version information |
netcdf.setChunkCache | Sets the default chunk cache settings for the NetCDF library |
netcdf.setDefaultFormat | Change the default netCDF file format |
Read or write a NetCDF file
- | - | - |
nccreate | Create variables in a NetCDF file | |
ncdisp | Displays NetCDF data source content in the command line window | |
ncinfo | Returns information about a NetCDF data source | |
ncread | Read variable data from a NetCDF data source | |
ncreadatt | Read attribute values ââin a NetCDF data source | |
ncwrite | Write data to a NetCDF file | |
ncwriteatt | Write attributes to a NetCDF file | |
ncwriteschema | Adds a NetCDF schema definition to a NetCDF file |
Spreadsheet -Reading and writing matrices and arrays
- | - | - |
readmatrix | Read a matrix from a file | |
writematrix | Write matrix to file | |
readcell | Read a cell array from a file | |
writecell | Write a cell array to a file | |
readvars | Read variables from a file | |
importdata | Load data from a file |
Spreadsheet -Read and Write Table or Timetable
Basic import and export
- | - | - |
readtable | Create a table from a file | |
writetable | write table to file | |
readtimetable | Create a timetable from a file | |
writetimetable | Write timetable to file | |
sheetnames | Get sheetnames from a spreadsheet file | |
Define import rules | ||
- | - | |
--- | --- | |
detectImportOptions | Generate import options based on file content | |
spreadsheetImportOptions | Spreadsheet import options object | |
getvaropts | Get variable import options | |
setvaropts | Set variable import options | |
setvartype | Set variable data type | |
preview | Preview eight rows of data in a file with import options |
Text files -read and write matrices and arrays
- | - | - |
readmatrix | Read a matrix from a file | |
writematrix | Write matrix to file | |
readcell | Read a cell array from a file | |
writecell | Write a cell array to a file | |
readvars | Read variables from a file | |
textscan | Read formatted data from a text file or string | |
type | Display file content | |
fileread | Read file content in text format | |
readlines | Read lines of a file as an array of strings | |
writelines | Write text to file |
text file -read and write table or timetable
#Basic import and export
- | - | - |
readtable | Create a table based on a file | |
writetable | write table to file | |
readtimetable | Create a timetable based on a file | |
writetimetable | Write timetable to file |
#Define import rules
- | - |
detectImportOptions | Generate import options based on file content |
delimitedTextImportOptions | Import options object for delimited text |
fixedWidthImportOptions | Import options object for fixed-width text files |
xmlImportOptions | Import options object for XML file |
htmlImportOptions | Import options object for HTML files |
wordDocumentImportOptions | Microsoft Word file import options object |
getvaropts | Get variable import options |
setvaropts | Set variable import options |
setvartype | Set variable data type |
preview | Preview eight lines of data in the file with import options |