Shortcut Action
Alt O Display the Format menu
Ctrl Shift P Display the Font dialog box
Shift F3 Switch case (with text selected)
Ctrl Shift K Format letters as small capitals
Ctrl B Make letters bold
Ctrl Shift L Add bullets
Ctrl I Make letters italic
Ctrl T Increase indent
Ctrl Shift T Decrease indent
Ctrl L Left align
Ctrl E Center
Ctrl U Underline
Ctrl ] Increase font size
Ctrl [ Decrease font size
Ctrl X Cut
Ctrl C Copy
Ctrl V Paste
Ctrl Shift Z Clear formatting
Ctrl Shift H Delete the next word
Ctrl Shift J Justify text
Ctrl Shift S Apply styles
Ctrl T Create a hanging indent
Ctrl K Insert a hyperlink
Ctrl L Left align a paragraph
Ctrl R Right align a paragraph
Ctrl Shift T Reduce a hanging indent
Ctrl Q Remove paragraph formatting