Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift I Switch to Inbox
Ctrl Shift O Switch to Outbox
Ctrl K Check names
Alt S Send
Ctrl R Reply to a message
Ctrl Shift R Replay All to a message
Ctrl Alt R Reply with meeting request
Ctrl F Forward a message
Ctrl Alt J Mark a message as not junk
Ctrl Shift I Display blocked external content
Ctrl Shift S Post to a folder
Ctrl Shift N Apply Normal style
Ctrl M Check for new messages
Up Go to the previous message
Down Go to next message
Ctrl N Create a message (in Mail view)
Ctrl Shift M Create a message (from any Outlook view)
Ctrl O Open a received message
Ctrl Shift D Delete and ignore a conversation
Ctrl Shift B Open the Address Book
Insert Add a Quick flag to an unopened message
Ctrl Shift G Display the Flag for follow up dialog box
Ctrl Q Mark as read
Ctrl U Mark as unread
Ctrl Shift W Open the MailTip in the selected message
F4 Find or replace
Shift F4 Find next
Ctrl Enter Send
Ctrl P Print
Ctrl F Forward
Ctrl Alt F Forward as attachment
Alt Enter Show the properties for the selected item
Ctrl Alt M Mark for download
Ctrl Alt U Check Mark for download status
Ctrl B Display Send/Receive progress