Getting Started

Flow (View)

- -
A Resume all intercepted flows
D Duplicate flow
F Set focus follow
L Load flows from file
M Toggle viewing marked flows
S Start server replay
U Un-set all marks
V Revert changes to this flow
X Kill this flow
Z Purge all flows not showing
a Resume this intercepted flow
b Save response body to file
d Delete flow from view
e Export this flow to file
f Set view filter
m Toggle mark on this flow
n Create a new flow
o Set flow list order
r Replay this flow
v Reverse flow list order
w Save listed flows to file
| Run a script on this flow
Ctrl l Send cuts to clipboard

Global Keybindings

- -
- Cycle to next layout
? View help
B Start an attached browser
C View commands
I Toggle intercept
K View key bindings
P View flow details
Q Exit immediately
W Stream to file
i Set intercept
Ctrl right Focus next layout pane
Shift tab Focus next layout pane

Common Keybindings

- -
q Back / Exit
z Clear flow list
: Command prompt
E View event log
O View options
r Replay this flow
Tab Next
Enter Select

Save to File

Command Syntax:

:export.file format flow path


Description Command Example
1. Export to /tmp/a.curl :export.file curl @focus /tmp/a.curl
2. Export to /tmp/a.httpie :export.file httpie @focus /tmp/a.httpie
2. Export to /tmp/a.raw :export.file raw @focus /tmp/a.raw
2. Export to /tmp/a.request :export.file raw_request @focus /tmp/a.request
2. Export to /tmp/a.response :export.file raw_response @focus /tmp/a.response
Export a flow to the system clipboard.

Copy to Clipboard

Command Syntax:

:export.clip format flow


Description Command Example
1. Copy as a curl command :export.clip curl @focus
2. Copy as a httpie :export.clip httpie @focus
2. Copy as a raw :export.clip raw @focus
2. Copy as a raw HTTP request :export.clip raw_request @focus
2. Copy as a raw HTTP response :export.clip raw_response @focus
Export a flow to the system clipboard.


 k Ctrl b
 ▲ ▲▲
 │ ││
h ◀ ─── + ─── ▶ l ││ page
 │ ││
 ▼ ▼▼
 j Ctrl f / Space 

- -
h, j, k ,l Left, Down, Up, Right
Ctrl b Page up
Space / Ctrl f Page down
g / G Go to beginning / end
Arrows Up, Down, Left, Right


Option Example Description
-p mitmproxy -p 8001 Start proxy on port 8001
-m mitmproxy -p 8001 -m reverse: Reverse proxy on port 8001 to port 4000
-w mitmproxy -p 8001 -w traffic.mitm Stream flows to file as they arrive
-r mitmproxy -r traffic.mitm Read flows from file
-C mitmproxy -C traffic.mitm Replay client requests from a saved file
-S mitmproxy -S traffic.mitm Replay server responses from a saved file
-s mitmproxy -s Execute a script
-h mitmproxy -h mitmproxy quick help