MySQL Data Types


- -
TINYINT x Integer (-128 to 127)
SMALLINT x Integer (-32768 to 32767)
MEDIUMINT x Integer (-8388608 to 8388607)
INT x Integer (-2147­483648 to 214748­3647)
BIGINT x Integer (-9223­372­036­854­775808 to 922337­203­685­477­5807)
FLOAT Decimal (precise to 23 digits)
DOUBLE Decimal (24 to 53 digits)
DECIMAL "­DOU­BLE­" stored as string

Date & time

Data Type Format
DATE yyyy-MM-dd
TIME hh:mm:ss
DATETIME yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
TIMESTAMP yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
YEAR yyyy


- -
CHAR String (0 - 255)
VARCHAR String (0 - 255)
TINYTEXT String (0 - 255)
TEXT String (0 - 65535)
BLOB String (0 - 65535)
MEDIUMTEXT String (0 - 16777215)
MEDIUMBLOB String (0 - 16777215)
LONGTEXT String (0 - 429496­7295)
LONGBLOB String (0 - 429496­7295)
ENUM One of preset options
SET Selection of preset options