
Simple guards

func greet(name: String?) {
  guard let unwrapped = name else {
    print("Hello guest!")
  print("Hello \(unwrapped)!")
greet(name: "Asma") // output: Hello Asma!
greet(name: nil)    // output: Hello guest!

Control the order of execution

// without parentheses:
true || true && false || false
//----> true
// with brackets:
(true || true) && (false || false)
//----> false

Combined Logical Operators

!false && true || false // true

!false && true first evaluates and returns true Then, the expression, true || false evaluates and returns the final result true

false || true && false // false

true && false first evaluates to return false Then, the expression, false || false evaluates and returns the final result false

Logical Operators

!true  // false
!false //true

switch statement: where clause

let num = 7
switch num {
  case let x where x % 2 == 0:
    print("\(num) is even")
  case let x where x % 2 == 1:
    print("\(num) odd number")
    print("\(num) is invalid")
// print: 7 odd

switch statement: composite case

let service = "Seamless"
switch service {
case "Uber", "Lyft":
  case "DoorDash", "Seamless", "GrubHub":
    print("Restaurant delivery")
  case "Instacart", "FreshDirect":
    print("Grocery Delivery")
    print("Unknown service")
// print: restaurant takeaway

switch statement: interval matching

let year = 1905
var artPeriod: String
switch year {
  case 1860...1885:
    artPeriod = "Impressionism"
  case 1886...1910:
    artPeriod = "Post-Impressionism"
    artPeriod = "Unknown"
// print: post-impressionism

switch statement

var secondaryColor = "green"
switch secondaryColor {
  case "orange":
    print("A mixture of red and yellow")
  case "purple":
    print("A mix of red and blue")
    print("This may not be a secondary color")
// print: mix of blue and yellow

Ternary conditional operator

var driverLicense = true
    ? print("driver seat") : print("passenger seat")
// print: driver's seat

Comparison Operators

5 > 1      // true
6 < 10     // true
2 >= 3     // false
3 <= 5     // true
"A" == "a" // false
"B" != "b" // true

-< less than -> greater than -<= less than or equal to ->= greater than or equal to -== is equal to -!= is not equal to

else if statement

var weather = "rainy"
if weather == "sunny" {
  print("Get some sunscreen")
} else if weather == "rainy" {
  print("Take an umbrella")
} else if weather == "snowing" {
  print("Put on your snow boots")
} else {
  print("Invalid weather")
// print: take an umbrella

else statement

var turbulence = false
if turbulence {
  print("Please sit down.")
} else {
  print("You are free to move around.")
// print: You are free to move around.

if statement

var halloween = true
if halloween {
  print("Trick or treat!")
// print: Trick or treat!
if 5 > 3 {
  print("5 is greater than 3")
} else {
  print("5 is not more than 3")
// output: "5 is greater than 3"