Physical drive management

Set state to offline
MegaCli -PDOffline -PhysDrv [E:S] -aN
Set state to online
MegaCli -PDOnline -PhysDrv [E:S] -aN
Mark as missing
MegaCli -PDMarkMissing -PhysDrv [E:S] -aN
Prepare for removal
MegaCli -PdPrpRmv -PhysDrv [E:S] -aN
Replace missing drive
MegaCli -PdReplaceMissing -PhysDrv [E:S] -ArrayN -rowN -aN
Rebuild drive start
MegaCli -PDRbld -Start -PhysDrv [E:S] -aN
Rebuild drive stop
MegaCli -PDRbld -Stop -PhysDrv [E:S] -aN
Rebuild drive progress
MegaCli -PDRbld -ShowProg -PhysDrv [E:S] -aN
Clear drive start
MegaCli -PDClear -Start -PhysDrv [E:S] -aN
Clear drive stop
MegaCli -PDClear -Stop -PhysDrv [E:S] -aN
Clear drive progress
MegaCli -PDClear -ShowProg -PhysDrv [E:S] -aN
Bad to good
MegaCli -PDMakeGood -PhysDrv[E:S] -aN