PHP Classes


interface Foo 
    public function doSomething();
interface Bar
    public function doSomethingElse();
class Cls implements Foo, Bar 
    public function doSomething() {}
    public function doSomethingElse() {}

Magic Methods

class MyClass
    // Object is treated as a String
    public function \_\_toString()
        return $property;
    // opposite to \_\_construct()
    public function \_\_destruct()
        print "Destroying";

Classes variables

class MyClass
    const MY\_CONST       = 'value';
    static $staticVar    = 'static';
    // Visibility
    public static $var1  = 'pubs';
    // Class only
    private static $var2 = 'pris';
    // The class and subclasses
    protected static $var3 = 'pros';
    // The class and subclasses
    protected $var6      = 'pro';
    // The class only
    private $var7        = 'pri';  

Access statically

echo MyClass::MY\_CONST;   # => value
echo MyClass::$staticVar; # => static


class ExtendClass extends SimpleClass
    // Redefine the parent method
    function displayVar()
        echo "Extending class\n";
$extended = new ExtendClass();


class Student {
    public function \_\_construct($name) {
        $this->name = $name;
      public function print() {
        echo "Name: " . $this->name;
$alex = new Student("Alex");
$alex->print();    # => Name: Alex