class Vehicle {
string brand = "Ford";
void honk() {
cout << "Tuut, tuut!" << endl;
class Car : public Vehicle {
string model = "Mustang";
Car myCar;
myCar.honk(); // Output "Tuut, tuut!"
cout << myCar.brand + " " + myCar.model << endl; // Output "Ford Mustang"
C++ Classes & Objects
Getters and Setters
class MyClass {
int myNum;
void setMyNum(int num) { // Setter
myNum = num;
int getMyNum() { // Getter
return myNum;
MyClass myObj;
myObj.setMyNum(15); // Set the value of myNum to 15
cout << myObj.getMyNum() << endl; // Output 15
Access Modifiers
class MyClass {
public: // Public access specifier
int x; // Public attribute
private: // Private access specifier
int y; // Private attribute
protected: // Protected access specifier
int z; // Protected attribute
MyClass myObj;
myObj.x = 25; // Allowed (public)
myObj.y = 50; // Not allowed (private)
myObj.z = 75; // Not allowed (protected)
Class Methods
class MyClass {
int myNum;
string myString;
void myMethod() { // Method/function defined inside the class
cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
MyClass myObj; // Create an object of MyClass
myObj.myMethod(); // Call the method
class MyClass {
int myNum;
string myString;
MyClass() { // Constructor
myNum = 0;
myString = "";
~MyClass() { // Destructor
cout << "Object destroyed." << endl;
MyClass myObj; // Create an object of MyClass
// Code here...
// Object is destroyed automatically when the program exits the scope
class MyClass {
int myNum;
string myString;
MyClass() { // Constructor
myNum = 0;
myString = "";
MyClass myObj; // Create an object of MyClass
cout << myObj.myNum << endl; // Output 0
cout << myObj.myString << endl; // Output ""
Creating an Object
MyClass myObj; // Create an object of MyClass
myObj.myNum = 15; // Set the value of myNum to 15
myObj.myString = "Hello"; // Set the value of myString to "Hello"
cout << myObj.myNum << endl; // Output 15
cout << myObj.myString << endl; // Output "Hello"
Defining a Class
class MyClass {
public: // Access specifier
int myNum; // Attribute (int variable)
string myString; // Attribute (string variable)